
Federated identity offers businesses, governments, employees, and consumers a more convenient and secure way of accessing distributed resources without losing control over sensitive identity information.  It is becoming a key component in driving the use of e-commerce, cloud and personalized data services.

A federated identity can be defined as a portable identity, and its associated entitlements, that can be used across autonomous domains or business boundaries.  However, implementing federation standards is complex and time consuming.

GPeople has developed a range of solutions to tackle this problem, whatever your requirements, whatever your environment.  Our solutions can either be run independently or can be combined to provide a fully robust Federated Identity Platform (FIP).

  1. G-Trust FIP: a standards based, templated FIP that is tailored to suit your environment.
  2. G-Trust VPN: a VPN connection manager
  3. G-Trust USB: a biometric USB key providing triple featured authentication to your networks.
  4. G-Trust VOX: our biometric USB key with embedded softphone and communication technology to provide secure voice services

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